Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

In today's world,
due to
the transactions and various types of transportation, most countries are becoming more correspondent in many aspects, and you can purchase state-of-the-art products everywhere. In my opinion,
could have both positive and negative effects on nations, and in
essay, I will remark on some of the most important ones. On one hand, it can be considered a beneficial trend as people in low-rated countries can take advantage of the technology and the latest devices of the advanced ones. What I mean is, the government of these nations can enhance the welfare of the community by coming to terms with worthwhile agreements with super-powered companies around the world. Importing high-tech apparatuses
as radiography detectors is a good illustration of these profits.
, it may be more convenient for well-off people to order goods from their own country
of paying a huge amount for export taxes and other expenses.
On the other hand
, I believe it can have detrimental impacts on cultures and traditions of societies.
In other words
would destroy or at least suppress the unique aspects of civilizations which can be,
for instance
, their traditional festivals, special clothing, and even the language.
may lead to the extinction of a number of ancient customs which have existed for some millennia.
To sum up
, I think despite all the developments in every field of trade and all the merits it brings
along with
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society should always maintain an identity of its own and not let its culture fade into oblivion among all
chaos of improvements.
Submitted by omidateur on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • globalization
  • diversity
  • homogenization
  • cultural assimilation
  • global connection
  • local businesses
  • economic impact
  • consumerism
  • standardization
  • westernization
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