In many large cities, people have to spend hours driving in heavy traffic every day. What are the effects of this on society and the individual? What can be done about it? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Due to
the advancement of technology heavy
is a significant problem in large cities which affects both society and individuals in various ways. Below, I will discuss the effects of heavy
and propose potential solutions to mitigate these problems.
To begin
with, daily travelling in
affects physically as prolonged exposure to huge amounts of lorries can lead to respiratory problems.
For example
, studies have shown that people living in high-
areas have higher rates of asthma and other lung conditions. Obviously, it affects mental health as
congestion increases the level of stress which causes anxiety and depression. The constant noises and congestion produced by cars can
contribute to a poor quality of life.
, it has an economic impact, the time spent in
rush can be used for productive activities. Clearly, it can lead to a decrease in
economic productivity.
For instance
, a report by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute estimated that
congestion costs the U.S. economy billions of dollars annually in lost productivity.
increases air and noise pollution caused by the emission of harmful gases into the environment.
On the other hand
, encouraging the usage of public transportation can reduce the heavy rush on roads.
, the government should invest in infrastructure which expands and improves transit, making it more accessible and efficient.
For instance
, most of the developed countries like Canada have extensive and reliable public transit services to reduce the need for private cars.
, companies can provide incentives
as reduced fares for buses which encourages the usage of public vehicles.
For example
, in
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several companies and universities provide discounted bus passes.
, carpooling and the use of shared ride services can lessen the number of vehicles on the
To conclude
, heavy
in large cities has far-reaching effects on health, the economy, and the environment.
, addressing
issue requires a multifaceted approach that includes improving public transportation, promoting alternative modes of travelling, and implementing effective
control strategies. By taking these steps, cities can enhance the quality of life for their residents and create a more sustainable urban environment.
Submitted by manjeetsandhu1999 on

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introduction conclusion present
Ensure a clear, concise introduction that sets the stage for the essay. The current introduction could be more engaging and directly address the problem of heavy traffic.
logical structure
Provide more explicit transitions between points to enhance the logical flow of the essay. For example, use phrases like 'Furthermore' or 'Additionally' to clearly link ideas.
supported main points
Expand on specific examples to strengthen the argument. For instance, describe how specific cities have benefited from improved public transportation systems.
complete response
The essay covers multiple aspects of the problem, including health, economic, and environmental impacts.
relevant specific examples
Good use of relevant examples, such as the report by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute and the practices in Canada.
clear comprehensive ideas
The essay is clear and easy to understand, with well-organized ideas.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • congestion
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • idling vehicles
  • greenhouse gases
  • urban sprawl
  • road rage
  • leisure activities
  • economic consequences
  • productivity
  • public transportation
  • emissions
  • quality of life
  • fuel consumption
  • environmental damage
  • stress and anxiety
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