In their advertising business nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way. Why is that? Do you think it is a positive or negative development

In the contemporary business world, most
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companies prefer to use several marketing strategies to highlight their
are new.
phenomenon might be caused by some social influences. From my perspective,
advertising trend will lead our world to a worse situation. Nowadays customers’ purchasing intentions are easily influenced by cutting-edge
for several social reasons. Compared with using old
, people choose the newest
to express their socioeconomic status. Those marketing professionals understand
consumer psychology,
, utilizing
killing point as their key strategy.
For example
, in the past decade, as soon as the latest version of the iPhone launched, which had manifolds of similar functions as the former version, the whole world people were being crazy to pay countless money for the new one to show off. In my opinion, I believe that those advertisements, which tend to emphasize how new the
are, are a negative development for many reasons.
, some marketing agencies use exaggerated ways to introduce new
, people have tremendous desires to get one without any cost. Seeing the popularity of
, those manufacturers are eager to produce more and more so that they can gain a huge benefit from them.
, overproducing is extremely harmful to our earth.
For instance
, those fast fashion brands,
as Zara, H&M and GU, have burned thousands of tons of over-season clothes and shoes annually for many years. Without a doubt, if the government had set a special regulation for marketing content, the damage to the environment would reduce significantly. In conclusion, it is obvious that some social psychology influences advertising strategies, generating an excessive proportion of new
. Those advertisements have indirectly destroyed our planet, causing negative developments.
Submitted by chenoocn on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • novelty
  • excitement
  • latest trends
  • improvements
  • advancements
  • differentiating
  • competitors
  • innovation
  • progress
  • attracting attention
  • generating curiosity
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