A lot of people nowadays are spending too much money and they don’t save anything for future use. Is this a positive or a negative development?

The retirement age in Taiwan has been put off in recent years, some officers started to believe that spending remuneration on amusement when they are still young is preferable as they want to enjoy their lives
they can.
some elderly might claim that keeping remuneration is essential for planning ahead. From my perspective, I side with the former idea, believing the timing of using money is
crucial for individuals. In the following essay, I will elaborate
on the reasons. On the one hand, some elderly might say that the number of personal accounts is the ability to fight against uncertainty in life.
For example
, if there are two people
Verb problem
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unemployed suddenly, the one with insufficient savings can be forced to find another job in a hurry.
By contrast
, the other one who possesses sufficient savings in hand has abundant time
on making
Change preposition
to make
show examples
sensible decisions.
condition has been taken into consideration in the labour insurance of Taiwan. The citizens who lost their jobs can get financial support for at least six months.
, I believe it is unnecessary to make deposits out of anxiety.
On the other hand
, time is priceless. The value of the money which was spent at a relatively young age can be higher than spending at an older age.
For instance
, I went on a ferry trip
year. The elderly passengers could not travel around with their feet easily because of their health conditions. At the same time, the youngsters had a full attraction schedule.
In other words
, the cash that was used by them could be regarded as money well spent. In conclusion, despite the fact that savings can buy long-term insurance, I believe it is worthwhile to spend earnings timely in order to buy precious memories. After all, it is the happiness that ordinary people always long for, not the account number itself.
Submitted by qooe212156822000 on

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Task Response
Ensure that your essay clearly responds to the prompt by addressing both the positive and negative aspects of the issue. Provide a balanced argument to demonstrate your understanding of the topic.
Coherence and Cohesion
Organize your essay with clear paragraph structures and use transition words to connect ideas. Ensure that each paragraph contributes to the overall coherence of the essay and supports the main argument effectively.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • economic instability
  • financial trouble
  • emergencies
  • economic downturns
  • financial security
  • long-term goals
  • higher education
  • retiring comfortably
  • paycheck to paycheck
  • stress and anxiety
  • mental health
  • stimulate the economy
  • generate employment
  • business growth
  • debt accumulation
  • consumerism culture
  • material goods
  • personal development
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