Solid waste management is a universal issue that affects every single person in the world.
, the growth in the production of garbage has been continuously rising. I believe it is mainly because of the rapid urbanisation, population boom, economic development and elevated usage of moulded products. Linking Words
, it could be solved if public authorities do a better job of creating awareness among the public Linking Words
as well as
improving the garbage collection system.
Linking Words
, on our planet, the number of humans is increasing continuously, eventually, which has led to more waste. As per the Linking Words
world bank
, the quantities of rubbish are estimated to be increased by 70 per cent in the next 30 years, if not managed the present. Certainly, many countries like South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa are on top of the list, mainly for the reason of the high population count. Correct your spelling
World Bank
, the government should organise various campaigns to control the generation of rubbish and inform individuals about the harmful effects of the same.
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, plastic waste is considered non-biodegradable which means it cannot be recycled, oppositely, more and more humans prefer using it despite the adverse effects. Linking Words
has generated a complex problem specifically plastic bottles, reflecting the calculation, on an annual basis about 2.4 trillion bottles are of disposed. If it is not recycled or reused, it is said to be accountable for 90 per cent of marine debris. In similar cases, authorities should restrict Linking Words
products in order to reduce the amount, Linking Words
, alternatives like paper and other biodegradable materials can be used for production.
In conclusion, rubbish produced by humans is increasing at a high rate Linking Words
that is
Linking Words
due to
the spike in population and non-recycled garbage all around the globe. Linking Words
According to
me, countries should take the initiative as a solution to the issue by alarming the citizens and banning plastic goods.Linking Words