The maps below show the changes in the school from 1985 to the present time.

The maps below show the changes in the school from 1985 to the present time.
The maps display the adjustment in the university from 1985 to the present time.
, the
population witnessed an increase, which potentially led to various development in terms of facilities. The current
map is more well-organized and spatial efficient than the previous version.
, the entrance and exit remain the same,
, the car park and the road have been adjusted to become rounder.
In addition
, the road connects the playing fields and the car park is got rid of. Over the course of time, the space that playing fields has dramatically plummeted.
, the
milieu has been considerably advanced. The office still stays near the entrance, notwithstanding the library has been removed in order to build the learning resources centre. In 1985, the car park used to comprise two distinct areas,
subsume into one area. Replacing the areas the playing fields used to occupy are classrooms, pool and fitness centre. Nowadays, the classroom block currently has 3 storeys and the
has 2 classrooms, whilst 15 years ago, there are only 2 storeys in the classroom block and a sore classroom
Submitted by nguyennhatanh280707 on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words school with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "maps" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Layout
  • Significance
  • Accessibility
  • Expansion
  • Facilities
  • Trends
  • Priorities
  • Modernized
  • Well-being
  • Sustainability
  • Transportation
  • Innovative
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