Air pollution has become serious in many metropolises. This creates detrimental effects on people and the country as a whole, but steps can be taken to tackle the problems. Suggest possible solutions and give your own opinion.

These days, polluted
is one of the highly uncontrolled issues,
, it mainly happens in big cities. In
essay, I will examine the reasons leading to atmospheric pollution and give some causes, and give my own opinion on the solution to the latter,
To begin
pollution comes from many reasons. The main reason may come from industrial growth. One good example of it is that when the industry improves, more factories will exist which can release many gases that harm the
, another reason may come from overpopulation. The more people exist, the more transportation will be used, which will make the atmosphere harmed by the gases from it.
, regarding the consequences of the matter, the noteworthy negative impact is that it led to many diseases.
For example
, if the
quality is bad, residents may be attacked by the germs that exist in the
. Still, atmosphere deterioration not only does it harm humans, but
other species. It can destroy many habitats and lead to an imbalance in the ecosystem.
, it is important that solutions should be given to decrease
issue. The first action that should be done is from the government, they have to create more laws to control the quality of the atmosphere.
, it is necessary for the factories to do the exhaust gas treatment.
but not least, I think that public transport should be used more
of personal ones.
For instance
, when people reduce their use of their personal transportation to use public transport systems, more gases will be reduced. In conclusion,
type of pollution is a problem that brings many consequences to either humans or other species.
, from my standpoint, the concern cannot solve in the short term and need cooperation between the government and the residents.
Submitted by nlongduy on

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