It is of
commonAdd an article
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notion that
the Correct article usage
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constant technological advancement has
leadWrong verb form
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to various changes in humankind’s general
. Personally, I completely agree with
view for a variety of reasons.
with, metamorphosis has already occurred
numerousChange preposition
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occasions through novel tech.
, the ubiquitous introduction of the Internet. Humanity has
wentChange the verb form
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from physically mailing letters,
standingCorrect word choice
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in phone booths, to most of the time, staying indoors without the need of commuting outside to mingle with a friend or a social circle.
, the healthcare and medical branch have made significant breakthroughs thanks to
. Whether it be the invention of MRI scanning machines or X-ray scanners, it has not only lengthened
human’sChange noun form
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longevity but
saved millions of
, the recent rapid development of AI has
bringChange the verb form
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forth a reconsideration
forChange preposition
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work ethics.
is because AI has
leadWrong verb form
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to the automation of several manual jobs, leading to job displacement and the need for re-skilling.
, the AI assistant Chat-GPT can automate customer service and support,
generating layoffs and new potential job restructuring for human workers. Another reason can be that
has created new ethical dilemmas,
as the impact on privacy and security, and the potential for addiction and social isolation.
In conclusion,
has indeed revolutionised many parts of people’s
. In my opinion,
will continue to thrive as an industry and will
revolutionise every part of people’s
if given sufficient time for substantial growth.