Children nowadays spend a great deal of time watching T.V . However, TV cannot replace the book as a learning tool,which is why children are less well educated today,to what extent do you agree with this statement ?

are often glued to watching
is not replaced by Papers as reading material,
that is
the reason these
are today schooled little. I strongly agree with the statement that Children spend a significant portion of their time watching
To begin
with, technological advancement has an addictive effect on human beings when using computers or other devices.
, these young ones are able to watch their favourite shows on the
because of their addictive nature so they forget there's other work to be done or do their assignments.
, other people believe these devices have no means to occupy the space of a book and
that is
the main reason for their poor success in school.
For example
, the time wasted on watching those TV shows can be useful in reading a lecture book and can broaden their scope. We do not
mean that
shouldn't watch their favourite shows but rather there should be a balance between reading and watching
In addition
, these children lose focus in classrooms when teachers are busy teaching and
sleep at that moment because they had little sleep since they were occupied with shows on the TV set.
have less interest in extracurricular activities in schools or interacting with schoolmates because they would rather like to spend their time on video games.
, it is to be brought to the attention of parents and teachers that
medium of entertainment cannot be replicated with study materials and if measures are not put in place, these children will continue to be less educated in the following years. In short,
has channels for pupils to study and when guidance is available, offspring can use them to study but that does not reduce books and I strongly agree with that.
Submitted by dede on

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