The graph shows the number of people taking parts in 4 kinds of sports in a particular region between 1985 and 2005

The graph shows the number of people taking parts in 4 kinds of sports in a particular region between 1985 and 2005
The line graph illustrates the sum of residents participating in 4 separate types of sports in one certain area from 1985 to 2005.
It is clear that
there was an upward tendency in the number of crowds joining in
the figure for rugby players decreased significantly.
, Basketball and badminton
witnessed stability during the observed period. In 1985, rugby was the most popular sport as it had nearly 250 participants. Meanwhile, about 150
took part in
. Over the next decade, there was a drop of about 50 players in rugger
the total of those in
rose to 250
. From that year to 2005, rugby was less preferred, the number of
playing it kept declining and
reached a low of only 50 players in 2015,
saw a rise to approximately 225 participants.
In addition
, in the year 1985, there were only 50 and 75
enjoying badminton and basketball respectively. They were not really concerned as the percentage of those remained unchanged throughout the years until 2005.
Submitted by danphamngocha on

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Sentences: Add more complex sentences.
Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "while".
Vocabulary: Replace the words tennis, people with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "number of" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "about" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • participants
  • participation
  • trend
  • significant increase
  • decrease
  • stability
  • popularity
  • regional interest
  • key trends
  • peaks
  • troughs
  • local leagues
  • school programs
  • media influence
  • public health initiatives
  • availability of facilities
  • competitive success
  • fluctuations
  • impact
  • major tournaments
  • notable players
  • local clubs
  • coaching programs
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