Music and other arts seem to be features of every society. In what ways are music and other arts important for societies and for individuals?

It is believed that
and other forms of
are essential products of individual society.
essay examines their significant roles in bringing educational opportunities to societies
as well as
promoting relaxation among people. The primary importance of
for societies would be widely acknowledged as crucial learning resources. In fact, foreign
is often used for an educational purpose at school to strengthen listening skills among students.
, it is thought to be an effective material to encourage them to pay serious attention to each sound and intonation.
In addition
, paintings are another valuable form of
since they express historical backgrounds and intense motives of artists.
For instance
, Guerrunica, painted by Piccaso, skillfully illustrates chaotic situations of war, from which viewers sufficiently understand that severe sacrifices have been made including the lives of animals and people.
eventually leads to the painting being frequently introduced in media and public places so it reminds people of the significance of protecting peace in modern life. As for their beneficial effects on individuals,
improve personal emotional conditions. Indeed, classical
has a positive impact in reducing a sense of anxiety and promoting optimism among listeners. It
helps them boost their concentration
they work and study.
, artworks
as drawings and paintings have a healing effect as well. Pictures which illustrate splendid scenery of mountains and the ocean,
for example
, allow them to forget about stressful memories for a certain period of time.
As a result
, the ability to manage
negative feelings enables them to overcome various difficult situations in life. In conclusion,
and other arts are advantageous to society as they are vigorously introduced as reliable learning tools, especially in language and history. There are
psychological benefits that individuals can gain from the smooth melody of
and serene landscapes in paintings.
Submitted by mizuho on

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Task Achievement
To enhance task achievement, ensure that each paragraph fully addresses the prompt by providing comprehensive analyses and examples directly related to how music and arts benefit societies and individuals. Consider expanding on your examples to make them more detailed and specific, which would strengthen your argument and offer a deeper understanding.
Coherence & Cohesion
To improve coherence and cohesion, focus on smoother transitions between ideas and paragraphs. While your essay is well-structured, utilizing a wider variety of transitional phrases can help in guiding the reader more seamlessly from one point to the next, enhancing the overall flow of your essay.
Coherence & Cohesion
For a higher score, diversify your vocabulary by incorporating less common, more nuanced words that precisely express your ideas. This not only shows your language proficiency but also makes your arguments more compelling.
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