Many people continue to use cars and motorcycles even though they know that they are bad for the environment. Why is this? What can be done to reduce the use of these vehicles

The disadvantage of using motors
that is
detrimental to our health and environment has been increasingly recognized all over the world. In
essay, it will elaborate on the reasons behind the phenomenon and propose feasible solutions to dilute the repercussions on our society. There are multiple factors explaining why many citizens prefer driving private cars. For one thing, long commuters eschew green transport,
as bicycles, and buses, in favour of driving automobiles and motorcycles because they are faster and more convenient, which provides greater flexibility and mobility so that drivers and passengers can not only save time but effort. In the US, driving is still the major means of commuting among regions, simply because the country is too large to go anywhere by walking or cycling. For another, many areas lack basic infrastructure, which makes commuters impossible reach long-distance destinations without motor vehicles.
For instance
, goods and residents are mainly transported by motor vehicles in many African countries
due to
the shortage of railways, subways, airports, etc. In a bid to tackle the issue of over-reliance on cars and motorbikes, both authorities and individuals should take active action.
, governments invest more in building public transport to meet inhabitants' needs. If people are able to travel by railway, subway or aeroplane which are more cost-effective, most of them would change the way they go somewhere.
, administrations could impose heavy taxes on those means of travelling that are not environmentally friendly, which would dissuade a number of citizens from driving cars or riding motorbikes.
, everyone should raise their awareness on their own initiative in protecting the environment,
travelling in a green manner,
as cycling, walking, and taking public transport, to name a few. In conclusion, convenience and the unique alternative are major contributors to the reliance on automobiles and motorbikes. To reverse the trend, measures should be adopted by both governments and individuals. Only when all parts of the community make concerted efforts can we ameliorate the problems caused by the use of automobiles and motorcycles.
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