Some people believe that the condition of the natural world will deteriorate steadily in future years due to pollution and other human factors. Others argue that current levels of conservation will be maintained and that natural habitats will be preserved. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Some people argue that there is pollution that causes severe damage to the environment,
others believe that the level of conservation will remain the same and
with their animals will be preserved. In
,essay I am going to elaborate on both ideas and give my personal opinion.
, with the industrialization and fast development of technologies that work by using harmful resources environment is getting polluted. It is pretty evident that
activities have a bad impact on our planet and I assume companies with their substances should be more eco-friendly and go green.
For example
, substances that require fossil oil to produce energy lead to greenhouse emissions, which are very detrimental to the atmosphere. The consequences might lead to the extinction of animals and damage their natural
emissions can be replaced with an alternative of using reusable resources. Sun batteries can be an option, they use the sun as the source of
Verb problem
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energy and they are sustainable for the planet.
, I believe conservation programs are evolving and getting much more efficient for wild animals. The reason for
development can be economic reasons.
For instance
, in the United ,Kingdom the preservation of lynx is getting a common action among businesses that are located in the
of these species. Each year more and more
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visit places where they can see and witness the life of lynx in the natural environment. I think
trend is going to progress and different species will keep their home and their habitat will have good conditions to live there.
To conclude
, human actions and substances that they have built undoubtedly have a bad impact on the nature of the planet,
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there is
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solution to avoid
, conservation programs now acting seriously and try to save areas of wild animal's
Submitted by sevrukov.stepan on

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task response
Well done on addressing both sides of the argument and providing your personal opinion. Make sure to clearly present your stance in the introduction to guide the reader through your essay.
coherence and cohesion
Your essay is generally well-organized and follows a logical structure. Consider improving the introduction and conclusion to enhance coherence.
task response
Effectively discussed both perspectives and provided relevant examples.
coherence and cohesion
The essay flows well and the main points are supported with examples.
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