In many countries around the world,rural people are moving to cities, so the population in the countryside is decreasing. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

century, in some countries around the world, rural society tends to live in a city more than in the countryside,so it causes the population in that area has decreased. I believe that immigration has a lot of negative effects than positive development and in
essay, I will give some examples to support my idea.
, in the ,past the rural public's life quality was the same. There were no differences between facilities which families who live in a city or live in a village.
For instance
, both of them used horses for transforming or they lived in the same quality home made of wood, but, these days are too different, as you know in recent decades we have had a sharp increase in technology especially in modern cities,
powers try to rise the metropolitan centre wealth
as transportation, accommodation or social places like cinema, park,shopping centre and etc. But on the other ,hand rural areas lack those facilities because of bad power management,
rural people try to leave their homes and immediately to a cosmopolitan metropolis to improve their life qualities,
migration has made too many social problems because of cultural differences. In the same way, most of the governments economy depends on the folk who live in the countryside, as you know massive manufacturers are made in the landscape because not only do powers use a lot of grand for construction factories in rural areas but they
want to use individuals who live in that places.
, agriculture and battery farming are so important industries in that area
if the rural public tends to move to downtown, governments would face many drawbacks, because these sectors are dependent on individuals who live on the land,
for example
in 1995 in Turkey one of the famous factories which name is Ulker decided to downsize so they fire 6000 employees
people immigrated from a rural area to cities because they want to find a new job and because of
,migration the turkey government faced with many problems. In conclusion, rural societies are moving to capital because they want to have equal rights, but their migration has made lots of problems like cultural differences between individuals who live in metropolitan ports and economic crises because factories and agriculture depend on these persons.
Submitted by mehrdad.salahi2003 on

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Word Count

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • rural-to-urban migration
  • population shift
  • positive impact
  • negative impact
  • urbanization
  • job opportunities
  • access to education
  • access to healthcare
  • urban infrastructure
  • rural traditions
  • cultural heritage
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