Advertising is becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is this a positive or negative development?

It is widely believed that the ubiquity of advertisements in daily life is becoming more prevalent. Personally, I strongly view
as a negative development. In
essay, I will
support my statement through logical reasoning and factual evidence.
To begin
with, advertisement breeds annoyance and irritation.
is because most of the adverts that an individual comes across are either uninteresting or inappropriate.
, with the constant reappearance of the adverts, is a perfect formula to unintentionally annoy and infuriate the individual and many other people.
, a company’s of that advert reputation is ruined. One particularly good example here is the growing number of ads on the media platform like YouTube. Inevitably, viewers have been complaining about
but with no response from the developers, the platform saw a huge loss of traction in viewership for the first 15 years.
, the problem lies in the commercial itself. Mega corporations pour out millions of dollars to design a mere 15-second ad, only to see little to no profit or recognition from the latter.
usually stems from the unnecessary, over-the-top budget and production value whilst the product the firm is advertising is insignificant or mundane.
the advertisement may gain a hefty amount of attention, the company would only gain some amount of sales all the
overshooting the budget and wasting money in the meantime.
For example
, in 2014, the renounced beverage conglomerate Coca-Cola pushed an advertising campaign, specifically to build a billboard of their brand in space.
saw an inevitable downfall as the company spends millions of dollars and the media
disproved the idea. In conclusion, the evolution of advertisement has stooped to a new low.
, I to myself still hold out a belief that the advertising industry could be potentially better in the near future.
Submitted by lehuy1204 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • promote
  • economic growth
  • provide information
  • awareness
  • job opportunities
  • manipulative
  • misleading
  • consumerism
  • materialism
  • invade
  • personal space
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