Some opine that our society at the moment is affected badly by some unethical strategies in advertising.
essay strongly agrees with Linking Words
argument Linking Words
due to
the fact that manipulative advertisements often mislead us and encourage excessive consumption.
Linking Words
, some companies show their vulgarity by providing untrustful statements about their goods or services. They tend to exaggerate the true benefit of their products, or even make up non-existent features in pursuit of profit and customer reach. Linking Words
As a consequence
, customers are deceived to buy low-quality or prohibitively expensive things, which causes significant damage to their health and finance. A prime example of Linking Words
can be, lately, a pharmaceutical firm in Vietnam was arrested for broadcasting a false and harmful fact that their new drug can permanently treat cancer.
Another reason worth mentioning here is that advertisements are increasingly promoting consumerism. Linking Words
In other words
, persuasive advertisements instil in consumers' minds that they need to buy and show off stuff in order to feel happy, stand out or at least, not to be left behind by their peers, leading to the bad habit of impulsively shopping. Linking Words
For instance
, there is a prevalence that Vietnamese youngers feel addicted to shopping online since they are instantly bombarded by commercials and posters marketing commodities every time they surf the internet.
In conclusion, some marketing campaigns now are going against laws and social norms, causing many negative effects. The essay supports Linking Words
perspective because of the deceptive information and the incitement of over-consuming these methods feature.Linking Words