In today’s time the internet is making it easy to study online from home. Some prefer online courses to study and they think it is better. Others prefer classroom education. Discuss both views and share your opinions.
of the social concerns today relates to online study
education. While
it is widely believed that studying online lectures has more effective improvements for students
, others believe that there are some skills which require classroom training that cannot be replaced. In my opinion, I tend to believe that students
tending to study
online have more chances to earn a variety of huge knowledge
On the one
hand, it is argued that students
are more likely to study
online. The main reason is that students
interacting with online lectures have more opportunities to earn professional experience from online lecturers. It is also
possible to say that they can gain knowledge
and skills from top colleges and universities as physical presence is not needed due to
online distant courses. One
good illustration of this
is that Vietnamese students
who have an eagerness to learn often prefer studying from videos or clips through youtube or other social media to diversify their huge knowledge
and alternatives in study
On the other hand
, it is strongly believed by others that all required knowledge
can be gained through online portals as few proficiency are best acquired when learnt in classroom
environment. People often have Add an article
a classroom
the classroom
opinion because some subjects require physical interventions or face-to-face conversations. For instance
, for learning any sport, one
cannot just achieve expertise via online learning videos. To master this
needs to gain experience which can be done by the physical presence on-field and playing the game. A second point is that individuals never earn certain skills only through Internet courses because they need to practice them at school. A particularly good example here is that after finishing lessons, students
have to do extra exams to ensure they do not plagiarize other homework and remember lastly
In conclusion, it appears to me that there is a considerable number of abilities that can be picked up through online tuition and general classes. Personally, I am persuaded that studying online sources is much more in demand rather than theoretical studies and allows students
to achieve their professional experience through online study
from home.Submitted by yeshomeclass on
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