Some people think that we should divide students based on their academic ability, while others think we should educate all students together. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

There are two distinct notions in regard to the subject of classifying students in the current society, one is the belief that pupils should be separated based on their education performance and the other side argues that schools ought to equilibrium teach every student. Even though both parties have their own justifications, I firmly believe that the first option is superior. On the one hand, the idea of educating all individuals together offers several benefits, notwithstanding the downsides that are going to overwhelm those advantages. It might help students to feel the state of equity
as well as
counter more perspectives in life considering everyone will study together. Despite that, each student has their own level of academic and comprehension.
, it is nearly impossible to find a mutual and suitable curriculum for all learners.
For instance
, an average student does not have the ability to keep up with various esoteric pieces of knowledge, and vice versa.
On the other hand
, I wholeheartedly advocate the act of taking pupils' academic power into account in terms of classifying them. Everybody has unique talents, and by taking the aforementioned action, we are giving them an opportunity to maximise their potential.
, they will be given the most appropriate education milieu, surrounded by people who are their level, taught with the curriculum that suits them.
For example
, a person with innate ability certainly is going to grow much more rapidly and significantly when they are in a gifted class than when they have to study in a standard environment. In conclusion, I strongly approve of dividing individuals based on their educational ability. Teaching everyone all together is a decent alternative,
, it still has a variety of flaws because of the fact that people's power of retention, understanding, logical thinking,etc is discrepant.
Submitted by kevindang020907 on

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Ensure that you fully address all parts of the essay prompt, and provide a stronger and clearer position on the issue.
coherence and cohesion
Work on improving the organization and flow of your ideas. Ensure that each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and supports the main thesis of the essay.
lexical resource
Expand your vocabulary by using a wider range of words and expressions to convey your ideas.
grammatical range
Pay attention to grammatical accuracy and sentence structure. Review the use of verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and sentence variety.
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