Villagers at a very high pace have been relocating to
for a better standard of living all across the globe resulting in fewer dwellers in the villages which is not a positive sign of growth.
In order to search for better job prospects, people are moving to urban places which has made these areas more congested than ever. There is undue pressure on the ruling authorities in Use synonyms
to make a balance between the demand and supply of food, housing, and healthcare system and make these necessities accessible for all residents at affordable prices. Use synonyms
For example
, Toronto has been experiencing a great increase in dwellers every year, which in turn, the prices of accommodations have sky-rocketed. Linking Words
As a result
, inflation is growing exponentially which may adversely affect the spending of individuals, so it is not a viable option of moving to urban areas.
Linking Words
, with the augmented population in metropolitan Linking Words
, Use synonyms
places have become more polluted giving rise to global warming. If the number of people is increasing day by day in a city, there would be more traffic on the roads, more industries and more electricity consumption which may release a higher component of carbon footprint in the environment. In Linking Words
cases, climate change is inevitable. Linking Words
For instance
, Canada experienced the highest number of wildfires Linking Words
summer because of the change in climatic conditions. Linking Words
, relocation from the countryside to urban areas is not an effective method for the development of an economy.
Linking Words
To conclude
, even though villagers are relocating to Linking Words
for the betterment of their lives; in the long run, it is not a viable option for growth both for the economy and for the individuals as it is putting undue pressure on specific pieces of land leading to devastating results.Use synonyms