The modern era is a materialistic era and
, a bank balance and luxurious life are supposed a successful lifestyle. But, the case is different as anyone can earn money and things easily in present times by doing unethical actions Linking Words
as kidnapping, hacking and many more. Linking Words
, success cannot be assessed with the amount of coins. A successful person is a statue of morality, a sound character and an inspiration to others for goal achievement.
Wealth can be never a measurement of success. First and foremost, there are a plethora of ways to earn funds and a luxurious lifestyle these days Linking Words
as human trafficking, drug smuggling, and hacking the data of other companies or personnel and for all these immoral activities, a huge amount of cash is paid to smugglers and criminals. Linking Words
, they have a lot of property but ethically there are very poor as they did nothing for the prosperity of the nation Linking Words
they are breaking down their country. Linking Words
, richness can not be a measurement of accomplishment.
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On the other hand
, a successful person can be low on cash but he has the treasure of knowledge, excellence, ethics and passion to achieve a set goal in his lifetime, which later turned into the growth of a successful human, who can help society and nation to develop in certain ways. Linking Words
, he acts as an inspiration for the coming generation and motivates people to do their best in life. Linking Words
For example
, Ibrahim Lincoln was a poor child but because of his hard work, he became the president of the U.S. and still today he is a motivation for many of us.
In conclusion, banknotes are often thought to be the measurement of prosperity but I feel that Linking Words
rich people have deep pockets and amenities yet nobody knows where it comes from. Linking Words
, moral qualities and passion towards achieving a goal make a person successful and achievement can be only measured through these characteristics not with one's abundance.Linking Words