The supplied map gives data on the developments that were at the seaside resort of Templeton from 1990 to 2005

The supplied map gives data on the developments that were at the seaside resort of Templeton from 1990 to 2005
The given map presents information about the structure of the seaside of Templeton in 1990 and 2005.
, the most significant development is a building of a supermarket, factory and ferry. Another interesting point is that the tiny number of trees remained,
multi-storey houses become more popular. In 1990, the west
of the map was covered only by private houses, a lot of trees and a lake. The
crosses the seaside in the centre from south to north. There are two bridges across the
to go to the eastern
. In the east, there are some public facilities,
as schools, hospitals and parking zone.
In addition
, there is a short railway, which ends up at the
. In 2005, the western
of the
stayed as the living
. There are 3 multi-storey buildings in the south and another 3 in the north, behind the lake. In the centre of the east
located a big supermarket and created a road to it. Across the
school, the hospital and the
remained in their initial location. There is an airport near the school and a factory in the west of the
. The railway becomes longer, going through the
and turning to the east, crossing the
by a new bridge. There is a ferry at the turn of the railway.
Submitted by sagynysh.mutigulliyeva.01 on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words side, river, station with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "map" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "remained" was used 2 times.
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