In recent years, many individuals would consider relocating from their hometown to the central town, seeking job opportunities and better quality of life.
some people think that there are benefits for various citizens, personally, I believe that there are numerous potential drawbacks to
To commence, the immigration of various residents enables enormous
differenceFix the agreement mistake
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ofChange preposition
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development between cities and
countrysideCorrect article usage
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aCorrect article usage
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large number of citizens living in urban cities, the government may allocate more budget to improve the living quality of people there,
there is
theCorrect article usage
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lack of subsidy for rural
areasChange noun form
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prosperity. A good example of
is Bangkok, the capital
of Thailand. In Bangkok, there are various fast rail train constructions for commuting between each district, offering individuals, spectacularly students and employees, faster transport during prime time
residents in other
provinceFix the agreement mistake
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need to transport by their own car because of insufficient public transportation.
A migration issue might be a challenge for the government,
, critics claim that
contributes to economic growth. There would be high competition between job applicants, enrolling in certain large and famous businesses in the big
, making
companies stronger as they have great quality employees.
, there has been a rivalry between
first-honorChange the spelling
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undergraduates to apply for PTT in Bangkok
, contributing
PTTChange preposition
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as almost the largest oil and gas production in Thailand.
In conclusion,
some dispute that
changeWrong verb form
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residence may have economic benefits for
nationAdd an article
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as many businesses can recruit
a Remove the article
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high-quality staff, I firmly believe that
causes a big challenge for the government to develop the country as there might be a gap between urban and rural areas. The administration should distribute the civilization to the other areas to reduce overcrowding in the