People should look after their health as a duty to the society where they live, rather than for their own benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is an argument that individuals need to take care of themselves for their own good.
, some believe that being healthy is a responsibility to society. I believe that people need to stay healthy not only for themselves but
for society and in the following paragraph, I am going to explain both points of view. First and foremost, maintaining a healthy body needs to have great living habits
as controlling the diet and doing daily sports. If a person wants to enjoy their life in the future,
, he or she needs to have a regular lifestyle.
, people who have dreams to accomplish must always take care of themselves. To explain, it is too difficult to accomplish a goal if the person does not have the power or always needs to go to a hospital.
, taking care of yourself is a personal responsibility for
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public. Many countries face medical shortage problems,
, not all patients can be cured by doctors.
That is
to say, a person needs to have a good lifestyle, so they may not waste a nation’s medical appliances.
, these medical resources need to be given to those patients who have critical diseases
as cancer. In conclusion, dreaming and staying longer have a chance to succeed if he or she does not have health issues.
In addition
, everyone needs to stay physically and psychologically well in order to prevent a country’s shortage of resources in hospitals and provide a great opportunity for those critical illness patients.
, physical and psychological well is for personal goods and for society.
Submitted by annie5342586 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • duty
  • well-being
  • burden
  • healthcare systems
  • productive
  • economy
  • example
  • empower
  • informed choices
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