It is believed that people with huge ambitions may be harmful to mankind,
, others claim that Linking Words
a feature of character is a solution to numerous severe issues that have arisen in our modern world. Personally, I have a controversial point of view on Linking Words
statement because we never know whether an individual is heart-kind to others or wants to destroy everyone’s lives.
On the one hand, when humans have a strong desire to accomplish all their goals, it is brilliant Linking Words
due to
the fact that they are able to change the world for the better and make it easier for our descendants to exist without the pressure that may limit their abilities. Linking Words
For instance
, if a talented young doctor wants to contribute to our society in a most appropriate and beneficial way Linking Words
as by developing new remedies against cancer, or a gifted scientist is ready to change the global problem of polluted air, providing modern means of transport in order to save the environment, it is trustworthy to rely on people like them. Linking Words
, Linking Words
ambitious intelligent individuals may help to tackle the challenge of contamination,Linking Words
, many humans would become our saviors.
Linking Words
, there are different drawbacks to being an ambitious person and one of them is the impossibility of controlling reckless behavior, unwise thoughts, and gruesome ideas. An outstanding demonstration of Linking Words
is the Ukrainian-Russian war that has occurred Linking Words
as a result
of Putin’s lack of proper knowledge, Linking Words
, he has created one of the bloodiest wars in the history of humanity and spent enormous sums of budget on weapons, Linking Words
of taking care of his citizens that frequently follow a miserable lifestyle. Linking Words
In addition
, Linking Words
situation explains that being a goal-oriented person is not enough to have a positive influence and there is a huge gap between an educated ambitious individual and an illiterate ambitious human, thereby, people have to know the basics of history so as to avoid repeating the senseless actions of our ancestors.
In conclusion, being a person who is willing to achieve all goals at any time may provide society with both advantages and disadvantages, Linking Words
, the crucial thing is to remain a human in any situation, in spite of various factors that may impact a particular decision of an individual.Linking Words