The graph below shows the number of tourists of visiting a particular Carribean Island between 2010 and 2017. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The graph below shows the number of tourists of visiting a particular Carribean Island between 2010 and 2017. 

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The line chart illustrates the
of visitors to Carribean Island from 2010 to 2017.
, it can clearly be seen that all the aspects
as total travellers, and visitors staying on cruise ships and islands have increased. In terms of the total
of travellers with the highest trend at the start, the amount of total
stood at precisely one million in 2010. The entire
of joiners
increased significantly by exactly 2.25 in the following five years. It
remained steady with the same figure in 2016. From
point onwards, it rose rapidly and reached a peak of approximately 3.5 in the final period. Regarding the other two aspects with lower levels, foreigners staying on boats and islands began at just below 1 and exactly 0.25 respectively. The sum of guests on ships remained stable between 2010 and 2011 but it jumped dramatically until 2013.
In contrast
, the figure for guests staying on the island witnessed a sharp drop to the same amount as the previous year by exactly 0.25 in 2012.
, the trend climbed substantially and attained a top of 2 in the final period.
Submitted by aulia2207nadila on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words number with synonyms.
Vocabulary: Rephrase the word "number of" in your introduction.
Vocabulary: The word "figure" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "amount" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "number of" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: The word "trend" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "increased" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "remained" was used 2 times.
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