In some countries, owning a homes rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the case ? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation ?

In some countries, possessing a
is seen as an essential aspect of life and often a life-long dream. In fact, it is viewed as a symbol of stability and success. In
essay, I will explore the reasons why owning a house is so important to
and express my support for
situation. One of the main reasons why owning a
is so important to
is that it provides a sense of security and stability. Renting a place of residence can often be unpredictable, as landlords may raise rent prices or decide to sell the property.
In contrast
, homeowners have more control over their living situation and are not subject to the whims of landlords.
For instance
, consider a family that has been renting an apartment for several years. They have established a comfortable life in the neighbourhood, with their children attending nearby schools and forming friendships within the community.
, the landlord unexpectedly informs them to vacate the house because he himself has decided to live there. It would be a very depressing situation for the tenant. I believe
is a positive trend because owning a
provides a sense of permanence and belonging. It inspires recent graduates to find employment and begin saving money.
As a result
, less money is spent on pointless items.
For example
, in Vietnam,
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the Northern
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tend to believe that only when you have a stable life will your career advance.
As a result
, a lot of young newcomers work nonstop to save money for a down payment on a
. In conclusion, owning a house provides homeowners with a sense of security and stability.
In other words
, it could motivate the younger generation to work harder.
there may be some minor downsides to homeownership, ultimately, owning a
is a goal that many
all around the world aspire to, and it is a worthy one.
Submitted by ngnmi.anh on

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Task Response
Make sure to address all aspects of the task prompt and provide a clear stance on whether owning a home is a positive or negative situation.
Coherence and Cohesion
Ensure that your essay has a clear and logical structure, with a proper introduction and conclusion.
Lexical Resource
Expand your range of vocabulary and use more sophisticated and varied language.
Grammatical Range
Pay attention to sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation to improve the overall fluency of your writing.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • owning a home
  • renting
  • important
  • sense of security
  • investment opportunity
  • sense of ownership
  • stability
  • flexibility
  • building equity
  • passing down
  • future generations
  • freedom
  • personalize
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