More violent content in the media and the lack of correct guidance from parents are to blame for kids and young people all around the world. There are several punishments which should be utilized to prevent
First of all, parents are too busy earning money without caring about their role of looking after the children. Use synonyms
, youngsters who lack education and supervision from parents are more likely to be tempted and commit Linking Words
. Use synonyms
, with the development of excessive media, juveniles have better access to the Internet and television, and they tend to imitate violent behaviours from movies. To be more specific, youngsters who enjoy Linking Words
films eventually lose their sense of reality and no longer take Linking Words
as violence seriously, which may lead to their illegal actions.To illustrate,in Vietnam, there was recently a lad who was addicted to mobile games and was unlikely to restrain himself, leading to a painful murder. Use synonyms
In addition
, games or virtual media perhaps is one of the detrimental justifications. Linking Words
, because of being born into a poor family, many teenagers engage in criminal activities so that they can have money to satisfy necessary demands themselves.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, I believe that there are various applicable penalties for juvenile offenders. The first one could be community service or other unpaid work as punishment for a crime which is minor in nature. The goal of Linking Words
is to train the youth to work for others in providing a service to the community and improve the neighbourhood in most circumstances, Linking Words
they can understand the value of helping people and being a good member of society. Linking Words
For example
, many vocal training centre in Vietnam was established to create jobs for the poor and orphaned children and help them become good citizens. Another compatible penalty could be the blended sentence for teens whose Linking Words
are serious. Use synonyms
a sentence will condemn minors to complete their sanctions even if they are under 18 years old since many of them have the conception that they may not be prosecuted Linking Words
due to
their age. Linking Words
As a result
, young offenders and other adolescents would learn the lesson that they cannot commit delinquent activities at any age.
In conclusion, I think that the growth of Linking Words
among teenagers has been a worrying trend, which causes negative impacts on society and individuals.Use synonyms
, these problems must be tackled soon because of our future young generation.Linking Words