Your local hospital has advertised for people to do unpaid work helping at the hospitsal. You would like to do some work at the hospital in your free time. Write a letter to the hospital. In your letter explain why you would like to do unpaid work at the hospıtal. say what type of work you would be able to do. give details of when you would be available for this work.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in response to your advertisement about doing voluntary work in your hospital. first of all, I have been a nurse since 2015, and I have a lot of experience with different departments in the hospital.
, we have lived an earthquake before 10 days. Unfortunately, a lot of people in health service centres are out of service.
, I want to help in your hospital for free because my family and I do not have problems. I heard on the radio that many hospitals need nurses ,especially for operation rooms.
, I have good experience in orthopaedic surgery and brain. if your hospital needs it, I can be responsible for that. As I said before, I can work in every department of the hospital
as emergency, hair transplantation etc.
as a result
, if you want I can send my certifications by email. I will be available on Saturday to start. ın other words, I can work 4 hours a day in the morning for 2 months. After that, my clınıc wıll open and ı wıll be busy. I look forward to your reply. yours faithfully,
Submitted by ares.grup on

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