In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

It is sometimes argued that all types of four-wheel
will be automated to self-drive and the need of
will be eliminated.
there are some drawbacks to the removal of
, I maintain the opinion that the strengths will likely be more significant. On the one hand, the idea of giving full permission for artificial intelligence to manoeuvre
is disadvantageous to some extent. Unlike a human, artificial intelligence needs a system to operate and if there are malfunctions in the operating system, A.I would likely fail to make decisions, which eventually put passengers at risk.
can be exemplified in the case of Tesla, in which hundreds of accidents and crashes have been reported
due to
the use of the Autopilot feature.
, the development of A.I play a vital role in the implementation of driverless
, or else automated
would likely cause severe damage to passengers and other
around them.
On the other hand
practice can highlight a number of valid benefits.
, it could contribute to the reduction of staff costs in the transportation industry. Currently, there are thousands of 4-wheel
operating on the street owned by service providers and by cutting off the engagement of
, these providers would be able to save a huge amount of money annually. The second advantage is the elimination of human factors.
For example
, on certain occasions, the lack of public transit bus
due to
sickness or the lack of staff will cause inconvenience to people.
problem can be tackled by driverless technologies. In conclusion,
trend might possess many disadvantages.
, I am more inclined to the view that the advantages will likely prevail.
Submitted by Phạm Hải Anh on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • driverless vehicles
  • advantages
  • disadvantages
  • increased safety
  • reduced traffic congestion
  • improved efficiency
  • accessibility
  • disabled
  • elderly
  • job displacement
  • privacy concerns
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