Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the reasons? Do the advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?

It is true that more people are choosing to have
at a later age.
phenomenon stems from societal pressures, including financial
, occupation achievement, and the increasing number of divorce cases. In
essay, I argue that the advantages of
trend outweigh its disadvantages. On the one hand, several factors influence the decision to delay having offspring,
as career goals, financial
, and the prevalence of divorce.
, many couples prioritize climbing the occupation ladder and securing higher-paying jobs before starting a family.
allows them to provide a better lifestyle for their heirs, including opportunities like piano lessons, swimming classes, and international education programs.
In addition
, achieving career milestones and earning recognition, particularly for women in male-dominated fields, can be a significant source of pride and fulfilment.
For instance
, expert female employees in traditionally male-dominated environments,
as the Indian parliament, may choose to delay motherhood to focus on their professional success.
, the rising number of divorce cases has made many females cautious about marriage and having
, leading them to delay parenthood until they feel more secure in their relationships.
On the other hand
, there are significant challenges associated with pregnancy and parenthood at a later age.
, medical professionals often recommend that women have offspring before the age of 30 to reduce the risk of complications. Research by the United Nations has shown that it is harder for women over 30 to conceive, and there are increased risks for both mother and child,
as Down syndrome.
, having offspring later in life can exacerbate the generation gap between parents and their descendants. Older parents may struggle to relate to their
’s experiences and interests, leading to misunderstandings and disputes.
, older parents may find it more physically demanding to keep up with their descendants, which can affect their ability to engage fully in their
's lives.
To conclude
, delaying pregnancy offers significant advantages in terms of occupation achievement and financial
. Despite the potential medical and relational challenges associated with later parenthood, I believe that the benefits of waiting to have
outweigh the drawbacks.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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