Your local hospital has advertised for people to do unpaid work helping at the hospital. You would like to do some work at the hospital in your free time. Write a letter to the hospital. In your letter ● explain why you would like to do unpaid work at the hospital ● say what type of unpaid work you would be able to do ● give details of when you would be available for this work

Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to you on account of an advertisement which I saw about offering at the infirmary
that is
located in my city. I am immensely intrigued by teaming up with your hospital as I would like to bring back to the destination that helped me get better.
In addition
, In the end, I got better of my illness. If I am not mistaken, Not many weeks ago, I was exceptionally sick and thanks to your institution, I felt at home .
I don't know the rather of help which I could proffer .
, I would be a really happy person, If you gave work regarding psychology to me .
, there is contact with individuals who are patients in psychology. I can absolutely communicate with people. Nowadays I am studying at a Psychology university in America.
year I will graduate from
university. Afterwards, I'll in all probability have more obtainable time in order to work on weekends or holidays. If you would give me a chance to help the hospital, I would highly appreciate it . Thank you for taking the time to read through my application. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully. Bakhtiniso.
Submitted by saydusmonovasomiddin94 on

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