Fast food is a very common type of food in the modern world, but some people believe that it has a negative impact on health and lifestyle. Do you agree with this statement?

Nowadays, it is becoming more and more popular to buy fast food.
, some people consider that it has a harmful influence on humans’ lives in terms of their health and fitness. I strongly agree with
statement and, in
essay, I am going to prove my viewpoint with several arguments.
To begin
with, it is necessary to understand that fast food mostly contains many calories.
For example
, there are about one thousand calories in one little burger.
due to
the fact that people always order approximately two or three dishes,
amount suddenly transforms into three thousand calories.
As a result
according to
statistics, every third man in America has an obesity which is very harmful both for health and active lifestyle.
On the other hand
, if we take a look at the cost of
type of food, we can see that it is more expensive in comparison with raw products in common shops.
For instance
, one average meal
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McDonald' is twice as expensive as the same number of uncooked products in a regular mall.
As a consequence
, if society refuses to consume fast meals, it will be good for them not only in terms of health but
make their daily expenditures less. In conclusion, I would like to say that citizens should understand that domestic products are better and cheaper.
In addition
, in my way of thinking, if the government creates strict rules which obligate fast meal companies to pay higher taxes, it will reduce the number of people suffering from obesity.
Submitted by me.melnichenko on

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