In many countries, a small number of people earn extremely high salaries. Some people believe that this is good for the country, but others think that governments should not allow salaries above a certain level. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

People have diverse opinions about whether a country should introduce a maximum wage.
view an uncapped salary as an effective motivation, I contend that limiting income can contribute more to a flourishing society. On the one hand, there are three key reasons why an unlimited salary is essential for a prosperous country.
, it can provide opportunities for workers to strive, earn higher wages, and achieve a better quality of life.
, larger compensations enable companies to attract the most talented employees who can drive their businesses towards greater success.
For instance
, technological giants
as Google thrive because they are willing to offer substantial remuneration to top programmers.
, a multitude of successful corporations leads to a wealthier nation with increased revenues, which can be invested in infrastructure and public services, resulting in an enhanced standard of living for all citizens.
On the other hand
, I would argue that the drawbacks of an unlimited salary outweigh its benefits, primarily
due to
the widening wealth gap.
a small number of affluent
can afford an extravagant lifestyle, the majority of the population lives in poverty, struggling with the lack of basic necessities
as clothing, food, and housing.
, in the pursuit of financial stability and improved living conditions, some
may resort to desperate measures,
as theft, fraud, robbery, and even murder. With rising crime rates, all members of society are at risk and live in a more perilous environment.
situation discourages investments, as investors may prefer safer countries, thereby hindering economic development. In conclusion,
it is undeniable that unlimited earning potential offers certain advantages for
, companies, and nations, implementing a limit on earnings can yield greater long-term benefits for a country.
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task achievement
Your essay effectively addresses both sides of the argument and provides a clear opinion. However, it would be even stronger if you included a few more specific examples or evidence to support your points.
coherence cohesion
While your ideas are clear and easy to follow, there are minor grammatical errors and minor awkward phrasings in a few places. A thorough proofreading would help polish your essay.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction and conclusion are well-executed, providing a clear overview of the essay and summarizing the arguments effectively.
logical structure
Your essay has a logical structure, making it easy to follow the progression of your ideas.
supported main points
You have successfully supported your main points, particularly with the example of Google, which enriched your arguments.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • incentivize
  • discrepancy
  • inequality
  • social cohesion
  • equitable distribution
  • wealth concentration
  • talent retention
  • global competitiveness
  • social unrest
  • innovate
  • government intervention
  • salary cap
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