the chart below shows the results of survey about people coffee and tea buying and drinking habit in five australian cities.

the chart below shows the results of survey about people coffee and tea buying and drinking habit in five australian cities.
The bar chart presents the percentage of survey results about the top five Australian cities society and tea buying and drinking habits.
information is going to be analyzed based on the people who bought fresh and instant
went to a cafe for tea in the
4 weeks.
, Melbourne and Hobart have the highest rate of inhabitants who go to a cafe to enjoy some drinks.
, Brisban and Adelaide have the lowest percentage of visitors who bought fresh
. On one hand, in Melbourne, there are few people who buy fresh and quick-ready
which is only approximately 42% and 47%.
, the average of those kinds is 44,5%.
, Hobart is just the same as Melbourne, but higher in instant
and lower in fresh
buyers, which increased and decreased around 6% and 4% respectively.
On the other hand
, in Adelaide, the biggest buyer in the city is instant drinks, unlike the other cities, the people who went to a cafe have the lowest percentage, which is 38%.
Submitted by twiggseducationbdg on

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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "moreover".
Vocabulary: Rephrase your introduction. Words match: 77%.
Vocabulary: Replace the words coffee with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "percentage" was used 3 times.
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