It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parent and teacher be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children?

There is an opinion asserting that punishing
should be taken into consideration to teach them about identifying right and wrong at an early stage of life. I completely agree with
opinion as
will know the negative consequences of misbehaving.
, mild
should be allowed.
can be confronted with several benefits.
, it is undeniable that if
understand that their mistakes can be associated with dissatisfying consequences, they will be encouraged to avoid doing them in the future, leading to a more well-bred person.
In addition
will adopt more serious decisions during adulthood both personally and professionally, followed by irreplaceable results.
during childhood can play as a minor real experience to learn to behave logically, enabling them to assess the various probable aspects of action. Notwithstanding, all types of
are not acceptable, particularly those that are harsh physical and can bring mental disorders in the long run, leading to a sense of depression and isolation from society.
In other words
are fruitful to make
more reliable, not to impart the message that they are ignored by either parents or teachers. To illustrate, not allowing them to watch animations or do their favourite leisure activity can be deemed as some other measure, which can cause those
to think more deeply and become more sensitive about their behaviour.
, they convert to more responsible characters rather than mentally harmed persons. In conclusion,
can assist
in achieving a better understanding of life. Yet, they should act in a manner that does not interrupt their social development.
Submitted by ali.m.mohammdianb on

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task achievement
Provide more specific examples to support your points.
coherence cohesion
Organize your essay in a more clear and concise manner.
lexical resource
Use a wider range of vocabulary to enhance the quality of your essay.
grammatical range accuracy
Use a wider range of grammatical structures and proofread your essay for errors.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • moral development
  • positive reinforcement
  • negative reinforcement
  • disciplinary methods
  • behavioral psychology
  • natural consequences
  • physical punishment
  • psychological impacts
  • consistent rules
  • privileges
  • parenting strategies
  • educational approaches
  • ethical upbringing
  • moral compass
  • child-rearing practices
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