The table below presents the number of children ever born to women aged 40-44 years in Australia for each year the information was collected since 1981.

The table below presents the number of children ever born to women aged 40-44 years in Australia for each year the information was collected since 1981.
The given table provides data on the number of baby child that was born to female aged from 40 to 44 years in four different years in Australia.
, the percentage of
with two
was more than those with less or more than 2 babies.
, the population of females who did not have any
or both had one or two
increased from 1981 to 2006,
the number of mature
with 3
or more experienced a fall over the period.
According to
the table, the proportion of
with three
along with
females with four or more kids remarkably declined from 27.4% to 21.5% and from 27.6% to less than two-tenth (11%) among these years respectively. As it is obvious from the table, the share of 40-
44 year-old
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with one kid
as well as
two kids which rose from its initial percentage (29%) to 38.3% had about 6% growth and reached 13.2% in 2006.
In addition
, mothers with no child experienced around 7.5% and levelled at almost 16% (15.9%) in 2006.
Submitted by z.rajabi on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words women, children with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "table" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: The word "number of" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "percentage" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • fertility rate
  • demographic shift
  • age cohort
  • workforce implications
  • government policy
  • birth rate fluctuations
  • education level
  • career advancement
  • reproductive health
  • family planning
  • socio-economic factors
  • population pyramid
  • life expectancy
  • childbearing age
  • maternity leave
  • contraceptive methods
  • population growth rate
  • average family size
  • maternal health
  • census data
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