Some people argue that people who live in a
obtain more advantages than those who live in the countryside. Generally, Use synonyms
might be true as a metropolitan Linking Words
is advertised as a Use synonyms
Use synonyms
that is
full of opportunities. But, I partially agree with that statement since it is applied to some particular conditions only, which will be discussed in the following paragraph.
Linking Words
To begin
with, the benefits for each Linking Words
depend on the type of businesses. The big cities are suitable places for service businesses, Use synonyms
as financial services or digital services, Linking Words
farming industries are obviously better to do in the countryside. In the big cities, all big companies usually gather in an exclusive block, so it will be easier to manage relations there and all opportunities are in the same place. In the terrains, Linking Words
on the other hand
, benefits are abundant for farmers Linking Words
due to
wide land and better air quality. Activities Linking Words
as herding the sheep can only be done in a particular area like the countryside.
Another thing to consider Linking Words
the occupations is age. The elderly are more comfortable living in quiet places where there is no air or noise pollution. Linking Words
condition is good for their weak bodies which no longer resist any kind of disease, so they will have more life expectations. Linking Words
, the youngsters might choose a busy Linking Words
to live in because there are more employment prospectsUse synonyms
unless they plan to be farmers.
In conclusion, virtues earned from the location we live in depend on our conditions Remove the comma
as jobs and age groups. People should assess their conditions before choosing a place to stay.Linking Words