The bar chart depicts what kind of vehicles people in certain countries namely Great Britain, The United States of America, Germany, and France
, and it is measured in percentage. Change the spelling
, it can be seen that the car was the major transportation people desired, Linking Words
the motorcycle was the least conveyance individuals preferred.
In the beginning, the most car usage between these four countries is in France, which stood at nearly 80 Linking Words
Change the spelling
per cent
in the UK Linking Words
as well as
in the US have the same amount at 60 per cent. Linking Words
In addition
, Germany has the lowest automobile use accounting for 40 ratio. Moving on to the bicycle as the second most popular type of wheel many people chose it. Germany has the highest figure (45%). Linking Words
By contrast
, citizens in the other three countries have lower results which is below the 30 rate.
Linking Words
, many person in the US takes pleasure in riding a motorcycle which is proven by the graph above as it is approximately the highest compared to other nations at 30 chunks. Linking Words
On the other hand
, motor-driven cycle usage in Deutschland, The French Republic, and the United Kingdom have lesser measurements, about 15%, 10%, and 10%, respectively.Linking Words