Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more positive for their future aspect or have some adverse effects? Agree or disagree?

Several languages have been spoken around the globe. It is believed by some people that acquiring the knowledge of a new
is beneficial for
from an early childhood. In my opinion, I entirely agree with
statement and explain the positive outcomes with suitable examples. Learning a new
enhances the social integration among people. Being multilingual,
can improve their communication skills in languages and possess a high command of each
, they can make friends from different backgrounds.
For example
, research is evident that in Canada,
start to learn Spanish and French
along with
English, which makes them more social animals and creates more connections with different communities.
, having a command of another
proves to improve communication skills and broaden social connections.
In addition
, multilingualism provides
with academic and career opportunities in their advanced lives. They are equipped with better educational opportunities to be enrolled in higher universities for higher career opportunities. With great expertise in their
, they can participate in any competition in education or professional prospects and grab the chance of being selected to pursue their
For instance
my mother tongue is Punjabi, I was enrolled in an English-medium school. I continued my
education in Canada and a nursing job as I knew English. In conclusion,
Wrong verb form
show examples
why a new
proficiency is advantageous in terms of receiving a higher level of job offers
along with
admissions to the best universities. I agree that positive results have overtaken negative results.
Submitted by neetpunar on

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task achievement
Your essay presents a clear position throughout the response, adhering to the topic of the beneficial aspects of language learning for children. However, to improve the task achievement score, consider providing deeper insights or more nuanced arguments that show a more complex understanding of the issue, such as potential challenges that can be mitigated.
coherence cohesion
While your essay is logically structured and paragraphs flow well from one to the other, using a wider variety of linking words could improve clarity and cohesion. Decisive but varied transition phrases would strengthen the connections between ideas.
coherence cohesion
You provided relevant examples to support your main points, which adds strength to your argument. To elevate your score, ensure that examples are fully developed and clearly linked to the argument. Each body paragraph should be well-developed and contain one main idea that is expanded in detail.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • cognitive development
  • multilingualism
  • linguistic abilities
  • culture-rich curriculum
  • cross-cultural competence
  • competitive advantage
  • language proficiency
  • semilingualism
  • social integration
  • neuroplasticity
  • cognitive load
  • language acquisition
  • cultural disconnect
  • bilingual education
  • language immersion
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