These days many parents want their children to study a second language such as English. Do you think it is important for younger children to study a new language? Do you think schools should teach every student in primary school a second language?

In present days, several parents require their kids to learn
as a supporting accent. As for my part, I think studying different languages plays an essential role for teenagers.
, a second accent can be taught in the primary academy as it should.
essay will explain both of these views. On the one hand, studying another tongue
became essential for students because it is an international expression and provides benefits. They can easily interact with other native speakers from different countries or simply process their toys through the guidebook which contains stranger speech. Sometimes they might face a condition that needs to apply another prose. Since the graduate already understands the sound, it will make an easy way to their life.
, studying other languages can help them learn individually. Many scholarly literatures on the internet do not use their mother tongue.
For instance
, when a child has homework which lacks literature in Bahasa, they will find the answer in
. Fortunately, the pupil knows about
which is the homework that can continue and finish at that time.
On the other hand
, in primary schools, a second accent should be taught to make their basic knowledge stronger since their brain is still in fresh condition. At an early age, the brain can save information easily which makes the process of learning more fluent.
For instance
, learning secondary speakers
in a primary boarding school is easier to understand.
As a result
, the student can apply it when they try to speak with their mother.
, learning other accents in the academy can improve behaviour from the beginning. Students who interact with others
as friends and teachers will practice their tongues together. They did
every day which made a habit in their environment.
, their ability to speak other languages increases with their daily habits in school. In conclusion, studying other speakers and learning it since primary institute can have a lot of benefits to a pupil which makes their parents want to teach their kids
secondary language. Through the lessons from younger ages, their kids can easily understand and their ability can increase.
, studying at a primary academy will build the behaviour which leads them to other benefits in their life.
Submitted by Nabillaa808 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Cognitive development
  • Globalization
  • Multilingualism
  • Proficiency
  • Fluency
  • Cultural enrichment
  • Language immersion
  • Resource allocation
  • Bilingualism
  • Curriculum
  • Compulsory education
  • Pedagogy
  • Linguistic aptitude
  • Educational policy
  • Extracurricular activities
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