Write a letter to a friend. You have borrowed something from your friend and it got damaged. • Apologize for damaging the product • Explain what happened • Say how are you going to fix the issue

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Dear Emily,
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it’s taken me so long to write to you but at
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I put pen to paper to explain why I haven’t returned that DIY
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I borrowed from you. To be honest, I’ve been feeling so guilty that I delayed writing to you. I have to own up that I damaged the
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accidentally. I’m so very sorry. I know how important that
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is to you as it was passed down from your late father. What happened is that I had been reading up on the chapter about DIY plumbing when I knocked over my cup of coffee which splashed all over the
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. Most of the stain is on the pages that were open at the time. I’ve sent the
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away to be repaired. I didn’t realise that was even possible until I researched it. Anyway, it should be as good as new when I get it back next week and
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I’ll send it on to you. Again, I’m so sorry for the delay in telling you. I hope you can forgive me. Best wishes Sarah

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coherence cohesion
The letter has a clear progression of ideas which helps in maintaining a logical structure. To improve, ensure that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next by using a variety of cohesive devices.
coherence cohesion
The greeting and closing are done well but could be more varied in wording to show a greater range of language skills.
coherence cohesion
Keep focusing on maintaining one central idea per paragraph. This has been mostly achieved but can be enhanced by fleshing out details more evenly across paragraphs to ensure balance.
task achievement
The task has been completed fully; all parts of the prompt are addressed with sufficient detail. To improve further, it could be beneficial to add more depth to the explanation section by discussing the emotions felt or the immediate reaction to the incident.
task achievement
The tone of the writing is suitable and reflects the informal relationship between friends. However, to elevate the writing, try utilising a wider range of informal language features and expressions.
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