Our solar system is just a speck of dust compared to what exists in the universe. The space is full of uncharted things that spark humans’ interest in conducting new explorations. These expeditions, of course, require a large amount of money. Some people say that these endeavours are just a waste of investments. Personally, I disagree with
. Linking Words
, in Linking Words
upcoming essay, I will elaborate on some arguments that support my statement.
Human beings' curiosity is inborn. Linking Words
it is very costly, celestial exploration has been bringing us discoveries that contribute to expanding our extraterrestrial knowledge. Linking Words
For instance
, without NASA and other astrophysics organizations' efforts in sending astronauts into Linking Words
interstellar space, we never would have known other stars and galaxies outside of our solar system. They have been giving us information that feeds our natural instincts which thirst for answers. Correct article usage
In addition
, unlocking mysteries through space missions holds us back from falling into myths that could lead to false theories. Linking Words
, our own desperation for knowledge is what fuels these big aeronautics organizations to keep on exploring the universe.
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, some of the recent technological innovations are possible to happen because of celestial expeditions. Satellites, Linking Words
for example
, are one of the many advancements Linking Words
human life that bring new answers to our current problems. They are the key to the rapid growth of telecommunications. Satellites would have never happened if our scientists never made any extraterrestrial explorations. Change preposition
, telescopes like Hubble, which is able to give us visualizations of astrological information, Linking Words
would have never existed if no investment for new interstellar missions occurred. For that reason, discoveries of new electronic devices that enhance people's lives are the reason why those missions are worth the investment.
In a nutshell, exploring the untouched parts of the universe brings fresh and unexpected discoveries that respond to many questions and problems in our society. Allocating a load of money is worth the shot to feed our own curiosity, which will lead to many innovations.Linking Words