In the contemporary era, right from birth to death, most of our efforts are concerned with the fulfilment of basic needs.
it is believed by major strata of society that seniors' lives are much better than before, several people opine that living in old age is worse. Linking Words
essay intends to analyse both viewpoints, Linking Words
, based on the latter thought.
To embark on, one of the paramount reasons behind Linking Words
is health issues in old age. Owing to Linking Words
, the use of pesticides and chemicals can have a negative impact on our immune system. Linking Words
intent to grow older can affect the body, a result of diseases Linking Words
as diabetes and leukaemia. Linking Words
For instance
, the report of healthcare shows that 85% of people aged 65 or older have issues with diabetes. Probing Linking Words
, healthcare costs and disparities are increasing in access to care remain a concern. Outcome, As individuals age, they may experience heightened stress levels, potentially leading to issues related to blood pressure.
On the other side, medical advancements have extended life expectancy and improved the eminence of life for seniors. Elderly services, like retirement communities, and social support provide coping and assistance for those in need. Linking Words
For instance
, with the help of advanced technology doctors can monitor the health of patients easily, without coming physically. Consequences, An older individual may find it beneficial to refrain from traveling, particularly considering the current circumstances. Linking Words
, with access to the internet and various technological devices, older adults can stay connected with loved ones.
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To conclude
, few communities argue that getting old in the modern world is entirely negative, I believe that life for the elderly today is more comfortable than it was in the past. All thanks to advanced technology.Linking Words