of endangered
is increasing from time to time. In the
decade, the
of endangered
has increased by 49%. I strongly believe that the main reason which led
thisChange preposition
show examples
condition is
destruction, in order to overcome
casesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
we have to do conservation and restoration of
As creatures,
require a
to survive and maintain their generation.
, in
era the
that previously
becomesWrong verb form
show examples
animalFix the agreement mistake
show examples
is damaged by several human activities
isChange the verb form
show examples
not responsible
toChange preposition
show examples
negativesChange the noun form
show examples
impact of their activity.
, because of
demandingReplace the word
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
increaseWrong verb form
show examples
human population, people tend to destroy natural habitats,
as forests to establish new
settlementFix the agreement mistake
show examples
companyFix the agreement mistake
show examples
for industrial expansion importance.
, there are many people
thatCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
decide to leave
the Correct article usage
show examples
animalFix the agreement mistake
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
placeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
have Unnecessary verb
show examples
of Change preposition
show examples
resources of food. As
Correct article usage
show examples
resultsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
animalFix the agreement mistake
show examples
can not survive
and Correct word choice
show examples
humanFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to die.
many individuals let
theChange the word
show examples
catFix the agreement mistake
show examples
on the road, without thinking
about how they can get
the Correct article usage
show examples
food and
placeCorrect article usage
show examples
to take a rest.
In order to overcome the increasing
of extinct
Correct pronoun usage
show examples
that Correct pronoun usage
show examples
causedAdd a missing verb
show examples
destruction, there are many efforts that potentially can be done by society
conversation and restoration by compiling and implementing policies to protect any species that
endangeredAdd a missing verb
show examples
. Local
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
governmentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
are able to restore the natural
or move the species into a safer
to provide
Correct article usage
show examples
goodCorrect article usage
show examples
and to give
Correct pronoun usage
show examples
a Correct pronoun usage
show examples
proper requirement life
as food and special treatment.
increasing Verb problem
show examples
animalFix the agreement mistake
show examples
is caused by human activity
destruction which is used to establish new housing in urban
areaFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and to build new
factoryFix the agreement mistake
show examples
for industrial expansion importance. The best solution to get over
areChange the verb form
show examples
conversation and
like compiling policies and
restoreWrong verb form
show examples
habitatFix the agreement mistake
show examples