When we meet someone for the first time, we generally decide very quickly what kind of person we think they are and if we like them or not. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Nowadays, communication styles have changed significantly because of the fast-paced life and trends from influencers. Deciding
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personality in a short meeting time is a bad thing and there are disadvantages not only including harmfulness to others but
to one’s self. Using first impressions to define a new friend is not a well-rounded way to socialize. In fact, people need time and shared experience to well understand other's characteristics and personalities. Without the basic information, people may probably be unable to make accurate comments about them.
For instance
, a young lady might label a young man as ill-behaved because of a leak of wholistic understandings, leading to a rumour among friends that the young man is probably not a nice person.
kind of misjudgment can cause trouble for the young man, hurt his feelings and place him in an embarrassing position which might lead to emotional problems and stress.
On the other hand
, placing trust and love in new friends based on the feelings that are produced from first sight can draw risks because of the lack of understanding. some people might base their on another’s appearance and clothing making conclusions about a new friend's
personality, in
way they imagine a certain profile for that new friend who might have a purpose of getting close to them.
For example
, a woman may fall in love with an attractive-looking gentleman , who has ill manners and a stressful mindset, leading to home violence in the future.
, the relationship can lead to serious issues. In conclusion, deciding whether an individual is nice in a short time does not bring benefit to everyday life.
On the contrary
, they have a harmful impact on friendship as dangers are obviously listed above. It not only emotionally hurts their feelings but
causes trouble.
Submitted by careyche on

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Task Achievement
Ensure the introduction directly addresses the question prompt, clearly stating whether the phenomenon is good or bad. Refrain from introducing new ideas without further exploration.
Task Achievement
Include a balanced discussion, examining both sides of the argument comprehensively before concluding with a reasoned opinion. Aim for depth rather than breadth in examples to enrich the essay's argumentative power.
Coherence & Cohesion
To enhance cohesion, make better use of cohesive devices to connect ideas seamlessly. Paragraphs should flow logically from one to the next, with each main point reliably expanding on the essay's argument.
Coherence & Cohesion
Provide more specific and diverse examples to support your points. This will illustrate the argument and help the reader understand the rationale behind your opinions. Generic examples weaken the essay's convincingness.
Coherence & Cohesion
Revise the essay to correct grammatical errors and inconsistent tense usage, as these impact the clarity of your ideas and the professional appearance of your writing.
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