The diagram illustrates how bees produce honey

The diagram illustrates how bees produce honey
The given diagram gives information about the production of honey in tiny businesses. The first stage involves the bee phase, which should gather the nectar of a certain flower. At the next point,
is deposed and dried. Through fan wings, cells are kept clean, and they are sealed all with wax. The following stage includes the human phase, where a qualified specialist gathers the combs and presses them in order to achieve the desired product. The final step is
the final product- honey. At
point, it is put into a damp tank and heated at a temperature of 45-50 degrees. The sieve tank in the sump tank removes the dirt and pours it into jars. After all, it is exported for the purpose of being sold.
, the whole production process needs time, and more creatures involved,
as an insect- the bee, a human, and modern technology.
Submitted by acaitaz on

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Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the fifth paragraph.
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