people do not read newspaper anymore. Do you think its a positive or negative trend

In recent times, the newspaper has fallen in popularity among communities. I believe
practice should be viewed as a negative trend since it will lower their reading skills and cost journalism enterprises a lot of money. To commence with the reason for the downline, losing interest in consuming written articles may reduce reading ability.
due to
the fact that nowadays, people prefer other interesting hobbies, namely scrolling social media, which requires little focus, rather than high-focus activities, particularly devouring literature. If they are used to enjoying the former daily, they may struggle when engaging in high-level written papers.
For example
, in Indonesia, with the growing tendency toward social media usage among societies, research has discovered that comprehension skills in the country have decreased by more than 30% in the past five years.
In addition
, the behaviour caused a financial loss for the media company.
In other words
, people are no longer pleased to buy their products, either printed or digital, resulting in decreased sales for the businesses.
For instance
, Jawa Pos, which is one of the top ten publishing firms in Indonesia, stated that, recently, not as many individuals purchased their printed product as ten years ago, leading to a drop of half revenues compared to the
, if
practice continues to happen, they may find it difficult to pay their employees. In conclusion, the declining popularity of newspapers should be taken as a drawback
due to
the fact that it will reduce the ability to read and press cooperation's sales. The government should take steps to encourage society to digest published writings more than before.
Submitted by ru.kabiru.biru on

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