Most people have forgotten the meaning behind traditional or religious festivls;during festival periods,people nowadays only want to enjoy themselves.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Festivals are a period of joy and celebration among
which helps them in purifying their mind and soul.
celebrate the festival in their traditional methods, they have forgotten the meaning behind it. They purchase goods like crackers, water pistols, trees, etc but have ignored the spiritual and cultural significance behind them. I am in complete agreement with the author's statement. Let us discuss it in the below paragraph with references.
, each festival is associated with a spiritual essence that has a deeper meaning with not only the story behind it but
its significance in our modern world.
For instance
, as Lord Ram returned to their hometown after 14 years, the
of the kingdom celebrated that day with diyas and lights.
day is celebrated as Diwali in Hindu culture. Similar to
who are working in various cities return to their home and celebrate it with their family.
, it introduced us to warmth and love from family which was missing the whole year.
feeling is the essence of the festival, not the crackers and diyas which need to be shared and protected by coming generations.
, festivals
prepare humans for seasonal variation through joy and warmth.
For example
, during the winter season, humans tend to remain gloomy
due to
lower sunlight and temperature. To, prepare them for the summer season, we celebrate Holi which boosts their physical activity through playful activities and
Change the verb form
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for the inactivity of the previous season.
To conclude
, there is a meaningful cultural significance behind it, which promotes healthy living and strong immunity among them. To summarise, all festivals add happiness and warmth to the heart of every human through enjoyment and celebration. To add more feelings to it, we should
share the spiritual and cultural meaning behind it as well with future generations which provides importance and essentiality behind these joyful periods.
Submitted by akhilrana690041 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • commercialization
  • diverted
  • significance
  • observance
  • erosion
  • communal
  • spiritual
  • preservation
  • traditional practices
  • valuing
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