Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Today, there is a controversy about whether the vanishment of some plants and animals is the biggest environmental challenge that humanity must face. In my perspective, there are other pressing environmental issues that
require attention. It should be admitted that the extinction of flora and creatures creates more problems than it could solve. First of all, so terrible could the situation be that ecological balance would be eroded. Soil erosion and degradation are inevitable
as a result
is particularly true in headwater forests, thereby increasing the risk of flood and poor water quality, which takes
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on farming practices. Another drawback that can be considered is the lack of medicinal resources.
could come down to the fact that many types of drugs including aspirin, quinine, and insulin are extracted from flora and fauna.
insufficiency of medicinal materials means that some severe diseases may not be cured on time,
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and along
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with it comes a short lifespan.
, the argument that the main environmental issue is the disappearance of some species is a tenuous one since there are more viable alternatives. The initial one is greenhouse gas.
is one of the consequences of the industrialization period when toxic emissions are being emitted into the atmosphere without proper treatment. The rate of global warming,
, is so rapid that a range of disasters
as floods,
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and drought
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,...would happen and have detrimental implications for human life.
justification is deforestation. Given that over many years, a large number of trees have been cleared for manufacturing paper, houseware, and decorations,
as well as
agriculture, and construction.
means that the habitat of wildlife is destroyed, which acts as a catalyst for ecosystem instability. Other irreparable damage could be soil erosion, environmental contamination, flood, vegetation destruction, and so on.
In contrast
, were forests not overexploited,
serious repercussions would not occur. In conclusion, there are more significant environmental hurdles apart from the loss of specific species. It is high time that people should become more environmentally conscious.
Submitted by trandiemquynhst03 on

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Enhance your essay by diversifying your vocabulary, especially when discussing complex environmental issues. This could involve using more precise terms related to environmental science and conservation.
To improve coherence, make sure there is a clear and logical progression of ideas throughout the essay. Use a wider range of linking devices to ensure smoother transitions between paragraphs.
To enhance cohesion, more effectively weave your examples and arguments together by using pronouns and synonyms to refer back to previous points, making your essay feel more united.
task achievement
In your conclusion, try to more explicitly state your own opinion, making it a definitive part of your argument rather than an afterthought. This will strengthen the task achievement criterion by ensuring your stance is clear and well-supported throughout the essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • biodiversity
  • extinction
  • habitat loss
  • ecosystem
  • food chain
  • imbalance
  • interconnected
  • climate change
  • pollution
  • personal actions
  • policy changes
  • education
  • awareness
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