In contemporary times, a host of developed nations witness their citizens prefer to live alone or in small families.
essay attempts to shed light on the driving factors behind Linking Words
tendency before clarifying its heavy demerits on each household and the entire community.
There are several primary reasons why inhabitants are in favour of independent living or a nuclear family. First and foremost, workplaces have resulted in Linking Words
trend. Linking Words
For example
, numerous students who just graduated are likely to move to big cities rather than stay in their hometowns, which allows them to have more opportunities to find high-paying jobs Linking Words
as well as
develop their career paths. Linking Words
, a decent salary equally contributes to Linking Words
phenomenon. In fact, with well-earnings, individuals more focus on their personal hobbies and private lives, Linking Words
, the young prefer to have their own houses.
An increase in the number of inhabitants who live individually or in nuclear families could greatly impact various facets of the country. One implication is that it could negatively affect to nation . Linking Words
is because the enormous costs incurred to take care of the elderly who do not live with their offspring could put a strain on government coffers, thereby leading to budget deficits, tax hikes, or reduced social welfare. Linking Words
As a result
, ordinary citizens, especially the underprivileged, would struggle more to make ends meet. Another consequence is that without spending time with family, children's awareness might be harmed. To be more specific, a decrease in the amount of quality time with other relatives means that a rise in the number of children might have mental issues Linking Words
as isolation, depression, or anxiety.
In conclusion, there are some underlying motives behind Linking Words
negative tendency, and it is having an adverse bearing on various aspects of individuals and society.Linking Words